'Mango Madness' available online and at conventions
So, as promised, Tricia has gotten her act together and launched the online store to sell the ‘Porcine Paladins’ comics. I’m excited and I know you’re all going to be thrilled to see more of me!
You’d like a little more detail? Well, it’s the first volume of the series, and it’s called ‘Mango Madness’. Something has disturbed our naps, a terrible crime to be sure, and we’ve got to sort it out before we can go back to sleep. You can buy the comics and prints of some of the characters here.
The art prints available for sale feature me, Sowdie, Ariel and one of the other characters from the comics, Chidi, who’s the spirit of our mango tree. She’s pretty sweet, but you proooobably don’t want to get too close if you suffer from hayfever. You can buy the prints individually or in a pack of 4, so you get one of each.
What else is going on?
Tricia’s going to be attending IndieComicCon, which is happening in Melbourne, Victoria on the 8th of December. Tricia will be attending as a stallholder and entry is totally free. Come over for a chat, some cute pigs and to see what the other artists are up to, too. The con will be open from 11AM to 6PM at the Northcote Town Hall. This is an excellent chance for anyone in Melbourne to get their hands on some sweet, sweet Porcine Paladins related goodness just in time for Christmas and without having to pay postage.
I think that’s all for now. Talk to you all soon!